Trump Claims His Own VP Pick Didn't Matter

Mike Creadon
Published Aug 5, 2024

A curious thing was uttered by former President Trump this week, (We've grown accustomed to his foolish remarks.) Basically: he said his own vice president pick didn't matter. It's immaterial, in his view, who backs up the president. 

Could anything more idiotic be said by a person who wants to be Commander-in-Chief?

Of course, VP's matter. So does the Cabinet. And senior White House aides. 

Only a megalomaniac who thinks he is infallible and will outlive humanity could think that not having a great number two matters. Vice President Harris is reportedly set to make her own pick imminently. 

Mr. Trump, by contrast, sounds like a deranged lunatic who is more or less saying; "If something happens to me, I'm indifferent about what happens to you." 

In fact, he also recently stated that people wouldn't have to vote again in their lifetimes so long as he wins in November, as if voting—our Constitutional right—were some kind of hassle or inconvenience.

By words and actions, Donald Trump continues to remind voters this is all about him. While you're working to pay bills and feed your children, he's at the golf course with the rich working on his short game.

Great teams matter. Vice presidents are vital; a heartbeat away from power. Don't buy into the inane rhetoric, Chose substance over zealotry. 

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